
個人資料中的3D Bitmoji | 部落格

3D Bitmoji 即將在個人資料登場,透過Bitmoji 為Snap 個人資料帶來嶄新外觀及面向。 現在Snapchatter 能夠自由組合超過1,200 種姿勢、表情、手勢和 ...

Bitmoji 3D

This component allows you to easily download the 3D avatar of a Snapchat user, their friends, or their AI assistant, and add it to the scene.

How do I customize my 3D Bitmoji header?

You can customize your 3D Bitmoji header by tapping it or pulling down on your Profile card. Share your customized pose and background to other platforms by ...

What is a 3D Bitmoji?

You can customize your 3D Bitmoji header by tapping it or pulling down on your Profile card. Share your customized pose and background to other platforms by ...

3D Bitmojis on Snapchat

Bitmojis in Snapchat, allow users to express themselves by customizing their own avatars. Now 3D designs have arrived to Bitmojis!

3D Bitmoji Stickers in Snapchat

All your favourite stickers now feature your 3D avatar! Exclusive to the Snapchat app. If you have suggestions for new stickers, tell us about it.

Learn more about upcoming changes to Bitmoji

We're excited to introduce our new avatar style that brings the magic of Bitmoji to 3D in a much more immersive way.


Bitmoji is your own personal emoji. Create an expressive cartoon avatar, choose from a growing library of moods and stickers - featuring YOU!

Me and all of my friends bitmojis changed to 3d

You can go to profile -> settings ->bitmoji there you have the option of the 3D, 2D & a weird third option.


3DBitmoji即將在個人資料登場,透過Bitmoji為Snap個人資料帶來嶄新外觀及面向。現在Snapchatter能夠自由組合超過1,200種姿勢、表情、手勢和 ...,Thiscomponentallowsyoutoeasilydownloadthe3DavatarofaSnapchatuser,theirfriends,ortheirAIassistant,andaddittothescene.,Youcancustomizeyour3DBitmojiheaderbytappingitorpullingdownonyourProfilecard.Shareyourcustomizedposeandbackgroundtootherplatformsby ...,Youcancus...